Yesterday, Saharah was in town looking for old wallpaper. But not a single one of my villagers had any to give me! Well…Tutu apparently had some, but she wasn’t sharing.
Benedict was acting really weird. He was standing on the UFO pattern, like he was waiting for one to pick him up! He must be an alien! He had me fooled too, because he tastes like chicken!

Aurora told me she was planning on moving out of town. I twice told her not to leave, but she wouldn’t commit to staying. I’ve been playing almost daily lately, so maybe I’ll be able to change her mind before it’s too late.
While on the cliff overlooking my house, Static told me that he heard I got a basement in my house. He asked how I earned enough money to afford it; he even asked if I was squirrelling away bells on the side.

When I spoke to Stinky, he was talking about the bugs at the museum. He particularly likes the big scary ones in undies!

After I was done making my rounds, I took the bus out to the city. The entrance to the Reset Surveillance Center was wide open, and yet no one was home!