I saw a balloon present floating by today, so I got my slingshot out and shot it down. I didn’t time the picture precisely at the moment of impact, but here is the present falling to the ground. There was a fire flower inside.
Benedict asked me to guess what he was into lately. I guessed fossils, and I was right! He told me was going to bread some and fry them! You’re supposed to work for Kentucky Fried Chicken, not Kentucky Fried Fossils!

I met up with Static near Forest’s northwest bridge, and he told me the hot weather has him ready for fireworks! Fireworks festivals are held each Sunday in August. They’re always a blast.
When I ran into Savannah, she asked me to catch an angelfish for her. She said she hasn’t had any luck catching angelfish…or men. Awkward…
Wendell was also nearby, and since he was starving, I gave him a catfish. In return, he gave me the “mystery circle C” pattern.

I got my rod out and did some fishing to try to find an angelfish for Savannah, but I wasn’t having any luck. but I did find a key in the river!
It belonged to Twiggy, so I returned it to her. She thanked me by giving me a tall droploid. She also called me the greatest friend she’s ever had…on Twitter.
Aurora still wasn’t packed up, so I think she must be sticking around a while longer. But nobody else mentioned moving either, so I’m still not sure what’s going on. Join me next time and we’ll see!