I visited Gloria tonight, and I found her staring quite intently at her anatomical model. Did I interrupt something? Maybe she was trying to use some Psyduck type psychic powers to make something move. Or maybe she just pretends it’s her boyfriend?
I didn’t want to witness anything disturbing that I could never un-see, so I decided to announce my presence and have a short chat with her. She just asked me if I knew Wendell from Sumware. I said yes, and she told me that he designed the chocolate shirt she was currently wearing.
Outside, Alli asked me if she should move out of town.
I told her to stay, and I got the impression that she will indeed stick around…even though she didn’t explicitly say she would. The moving/not moving language used in City Folk is much more vague than it is in New Leaf.
When I visited Static, I found a sprinkler in his house. He’s watering his steel flooring?! Then again, maybe his gyroid just needed a bath. It did have spots all over it, after all.
Savannah asked me to make a delivery to Aurora, and I agreed to help out. The package contained a blue sweatsuit, and Aurora’s eyes indicated she was
reddy ready for it.
I returned to Savannah and told her I made the delivery. She thanked me by giving me some kitchen flooring.