Alli was feeling a bit down tonight, so I bought some medicine for her. She still looked down as she took the medicine, but hopefully it will lift her spirits soon.
I met up with Static over by the river, and he was interested in my cardboard box. He asked me if it was brand new; I said yes. He gave me a whopping 48 bells for it. Yay, I’m rich!
On my southern peninsula, I saw Savannah across the river. I pointed my Wii remote at the TV and pressed the A button to wave to her. Hi, Savannah!
Pascal was on a bridge nearby, so I got a scallop out (it was attached to a letter) before speaking with him. He told me that when a red door opens, a green door closes. He then gave me a sea view wallpaper in exchange for the scallop.

I caught a few valuable summer bugs (including an elephant beetle and a giant beetle) before taking a bus out to the city. Not much was going on there by the time I arrived. Most shops were closed, except for Redd’s shop, and he didn’t have anything I wanted anyway. See you next time!