Tank sent me a letter in the mail today, tanking thanking me for the medicine I gave him last week. He sent me a retro TV with the letter. I also got Gloria’s goodbye letter in the mail.
After a stop at Nook ‘n’ Go, I ran into Chow at the top of the ramp. He offered to sell me a screen for 2,282 bells. I declined the offer, and then he gave me the screen for free. Sure, I’ll take anything for free.
Right then, Static walked by and started up a conversation with Chow; I listened in. They were talking about how quickly they lose interest in their hobbies. Static said that he’s now interested in knitting sweaters, and men.
After I circled around town, stopped at the store again, and found today’s money rock, I ran into Static and Chow once again. They had another conversation, and again, I listened in. This time, they were talking about food and how Chow took his niece out for lunch.
I made a trip to the city to check Crazy Redd’s new items for the week; he didn’t have anything I was interested in. After I returned to Forest, I had a chat with Savannah. She told me she’s not a horse in stripes.

After catching a king salmon in the river, I spotted Chow and Static once again! This is the third time I’ve seen them together today, all in different parts of town! Chow asked me to make a delivery…to Static! So I turned around and gave the gift (a noble shirt) to Static, and he put it on. I turned back around to tell Chow I made the delivery, as Static looked on.
Chow rewarded me with a screen! That’s the second screen I got from him tonight! Is something wrong with the random number generators in the game tonight, or what?
Just for fun, I spoke with Static again. Again, he thanked me for the delivery. But then he also told me to thank that ______. No word showed up there, just a blank space, even though it was surely supposed to say Chow. Maybe because I already returned to Chow and got my reward?
What a weird night! See you next time!