Tank has been sick lately, so I bought some medicine at the store for him. It is World Rhino Day, after all. Get well soon, big guy.

I went in to visit Gloria today, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was all packed up and ready to move out of town! She was mad that I arrived too late to help her pack. As if I would want to help her anyway.

I found an empty lamp while on my walk around town. It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen Wisp in this game.
I took a bus ride out to the city, where I badgered Phineas for a bunny balloon.
He gave me an orange one (called a bunny O. balloon).
I returned to the game later tonight. I took a walk near the beach, where a mysterious voice told me to come closer!
Once I walked in the right direction, Wisp the ghost appeared. He asked me to find his lamp. When I told him I already had it, he told me to go to my attic so I could rub his lamp in private.
So I went up to my attic, which is a place I almost never visit any more. I rubbed the lamp, and Wisp appeared.
He offered me a reward for returning his lamp: I could choose to have him pull weeds, splat roaches, or give me stuff. I asked him for a furniture item, and he gave me a blue golf bag! That’s a subpar reward, and I was a bit teed off.
You deserve more than a golf bag
Maybe a gold bag…or something made out of gold at least….what am I on about