Alli asked me for a fossil tonight, so I gave her a dinosaur egg I had in my pockets. Yes, I carry dinosaur eggs around with me sometimes. Don’t judge me. 
She thanked me by giving me 520 bells. If I knew that was all she was going to give me for it, I would have gone ahead and scrambled it for breakfast instead!
I met up with Chow, and he asked me to play a wilderness survival game with him. It actually sounded a bit scary the way he described it.
But he was just talking about hide-and-seek, and I agreed to play. He gave me 15 minutes to find him, Savannah, and Tank. It didn’t me long to find the first of them; I immediately spotted Savannah sticking her head out from behind the bulletin board!
I later found Chow hiding behind a tree near Able Sisters. And with 11 minutes remaining, I found Tank hiding behind Scott’s house. That was a pretty quick win. Chow gave me a mini harmonoid as my prize.
Bluebear asked me to make a delivery to Rod, so I took it to the mouse’s house. The item was a dirt-clod wall, which doesn’t sound like a very good gift. But Rod actually loved it!
I tracked Bluebear down outside and told her I made the delivery. She thanked me by giving me 520 bells, and she apologized for springing it on me out of the blue.
I took a bus ride out to the city and saw that the passageway to the Reset Surveillance Center was open! So I walked inside and had a chat with Mr. Resetti. He said he hadn’t seen his kid in a whole week, and then he told me to eat the leftover pizza! This must be a rare occasion where Resetti seems like a sympathetic, likeable character. He’s actually being nice! How odd.
That wrapped up my night in Forest. But there is some Animal Crossing news that broke today. (You may have already seen if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook). The Virtual Console version of Animal Crossing: Wild World is being released in America tomorrow (October 13th)! It’s already available in other regions, but I’ve been waiting for it to hit America for a while.
I’ll be launching a new Wild World Blog for it, and since it’s on Wii U, I’ll be able to record videos of it too! So stay tuned for that. It’s exciting starting out a new town. I wonder who my starting villagers will be?