Last night, Twiggy had me make a delivery to Opal. When I returned to tell her the deed was done, she asked how Opal reacted. I said she thought it was okay, and she said at least they (sic) didn’t barf or anything. That’s her way of thinking positively, apparently.
Tonight, over in front of town hall, I found a mouse in a bag! And not just any bag, but a bag of fireworks! But don’t worry, he wasn’t in pain or anything. In fact, he was having a blast.
I met up with Benedict over by the waterfall, and he was talking about crickets. He said they’re so cute, he almost wants to eat them! Yikes!
But then he said he was just imitating Nat the Bug-Off judge. I’m not so sure, though. He is a chicken, after all…
I helped Tank out by making a delivery to Twiggy tonight. Twiggy thanked me and also told me to thank Tank. Hey, that rhymes.
When I returned to Tank, he rewarded me with a rose wall.
Nobody mentioned moving out today, but that’s not always a good thing. It could mean I’ll get a surprise next time when I enter someone’s house. I guess we’ll see.
Have a good weekend, everyone!
I love how little villagers can hide their bodies under some things
like items on the ground, or flowers. I always used to joke about frog flowers!