Rod is gone now, and I got his goodbye letter in the mail tonight.
Outside of the museum, Bluebear was talking about Blathers and Celeste. She said that they’re over ten years apart in age, yet they still argue about everything. She was trying to figure out whose fault it was.
Static asked me to make a delivery to Savannah, and I did. The gift was a graduation gown! Oh, did Savannah just graduate?

After returning to Static, he gave me a TV with a VCR to thank me for my trouble.
Chow the panda somehow locked himself out of his house. He asked me to help look for his key, but I wasn’t in the mood. Fishing for keys is such an annoying chore in this game.
When I came up the ramp, I found Tank and Opal…uh…enjoying each other’s company. A lot.

I checked the lost and found, and there were 12 items in there instead of the usual maximum of ten. That’s because Franklin’s tables (from the harvest festival) took over some of the spaces occupied by the sparklers and roman candles I left there. So I took them back, and I also took this kiwi shirt and put it on.
See you all next time!
Tank and Opal reallyyy like each other haha. I don’t think I’ve ever seen villagers that close!