I visited Static last night, and he made it clear that he’s not a fan of winter. He said it makes it hard to maintain his cheerful disposition. Ha! What a joke. He’s the grumpiest squirrel I know.
When I went over by Tank’s house, I had a flashback to the days when Nintendo still supported online play for ACCF. Merry’s house used to be in this spot at one point. I would often bury a pitfall seed right behind the tree in front, and then I’d ask my visitors to meet me at Merry’s house. My regular visitors soon caught on, but many newcomers fell for it. Good memory.
Over by the river, I listened in on a conversation between Chow and Broccolo. Chow was saying that he used to be a kendo star, and that he had a great body that drove the girls crazy. Broccolo found that hard to believe, and asked why the last girl Chow had over looked mad when she got on the bus back home. Chow wasn’t happy that Broccolo was seemingly spying on him.
And yet, Chow was the one spying when I had a conversation with Opal. Opal said she was thinking about moving away, but I told her to stick around.
I wanted to change my path back to blue ice bricks, but Able Sisters was closed. So I started up the game again tonight and changed them back.

I saw a big fish in the ocean, so I fished myself out a tuna.

Opal asked me to make a delivery to Chow, and I agreed to help out. Their homes are pretty close to each other, after all. The gift was plank flooring, and that apparently brought back some memories for Chow. He said Opal has a memory like an elephant!
When I returned to Opal, she rewarded me with some blue flooring.
That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be back again next week. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
I guess they can’t help spying on each other when there’s only 10 villagers in town
Even Twiggy was probably looking through a window.