As I started up the game tonight, I spotted the northern lights up in the sky (along with a new moon). So I stopped to enjoy the sights and take a picture.
I began my usual walk around town, and Coco was also talking about the aurora up above.

There was a new house in town, but I was not happy to see who was inside: It was Kitty. I’ve had her in my GameCube town before, and I was not a fan.

I hope she doesn’t stick around long. I’m taking a good look and hoping it’s the last time I see her. Someone should put her on a yacht and send her seaward (if any Arrested Development fans catch my drift).
Tank asked me for some beige furniture, and I wasn’t sure what to give him. I checked the furniture on sale at the shop, but the only thing close was the computer (since the wooden desk it was on was beige-ish). I bought it and took it to Tank, but it wasn’t beige enough for him.
That was pretty rude of him, especially when I just bought him a computer! Who turns down a free computer?! But if I can’t give him “a beige,” then I’m going to give him some black and blue.

But despite that ordeal with Tank, I had a good night overall. I recorded two more clips for my upcoming video, and I should now have everything I need. All I have to do is put it all together and wrap it up. Look for it next week.