When I started up the game tonight, I received Bluebear’s goodbye letter in the mail. She called me a great BFF, which certainly was not true.
As I walked along the river near the top of the waterfall, Benedict told me he lost his key. Ugh. He said he would look around here, and asked me to look near the water. But “here” is near the water.
I wasn’t initially planning on fishing for his key. But when Coco asked me to catch a freshwater goby for her, I figured I could work on two favors at once. I caught the key first, so I returned it to Benedict, and he rewarded me with a mega drilloid.
After a few more minutes of fishing, I caught the freshwater goby I was hoping for. I took it to Coco, and she thanked me by giving me a chainlink fence.

Opal asked me to make a delivery to Chow, so I agreed to this errand as well. Chow gladly accepted the gift, and he said Opal has the memory of an elephant.

When I told Opal the delivery was complete, she gave me a cloud flooring for my trouble.
I ran into Tank, and he wanted to do a gift exchange. He wanted a dace I had in my pockets, and in return, he offered me some bamboo flooring. That’s not a bad trade, so I agreed to the deal. Seems like it’s all wallpaper and flooring I’m getting today.
At Nook ‘n’ Go, I did something I almost never do: I ordered an item from Nook’s Point Tracking System (PTS). Since there’s a new Zelda game coming out in just over two weeks, I decided to order a Zelda item. I already have Majora’s Mask, so I spent 6,500 points to order Midna’s mask. I should receive it in the mail next time.
Coco should have asked for a gyroid, because Chow said she looked like one. xD
Also, out of curiosity, what is your favourite Animal Crossing game? I don’t know why but I pictured you being extremely addicted to New Leaf…
I’d say New Leaf is my favorite overall, although they all have their own strengths. GameCube had the best music (and NES games), City Folk had the best online play and communication options, and Wild World had good dialogue and backstory on NPCs.
I respect your opinion on the other games! Mine is Animal Crossing: Let’s go to the City! / City Folk. Although yes, it did have its flaws like Animal Tracks, it was a polished version of Wild World. The online play was better then it was before and you aren’t overloaded with things to do. In New Leaf you have a TON of things to do, but that is not like real life for many. People gradually get bored of the same thing over again, and they try new things, like pitfalling villagers or late night bug catching (which I rarely do).
That is why Let’s go to the City! / City Folk is my favourite game in the franchise.
I’d actually forgotten all about the PTS system, haha. I kinda miss that from the older games.