The snow has all melted in Forest, and grass is green once again. I also changed my path back to the green bricks. But it was raining today, and Freckles wasn’t happy about that.
When I visited Benedict, I saw that he was still feeling sick. So I bought some medicine for him once again.
Savannah was locked out of her house again, so I went fishing to try to find her key. Along the way, Chow invited me over for drinks!
Sorry, but I had work to do. Fishing for a key. And after a few minutes, I found what I was looking for.
When I took it back to Savannah, she thanked me and gave me a cabana chair.
She also went inside her house, which at least makes me feel like I wasn’t fishing for nothing. Sometimes you’ll fetch a villager’s key and they’ll stay outside anyway.
Opal asked me for some retro furniture, and I was able to track down a retro TV for her. She thanked me and rewarded me with 720 bells.
No more 520 bells? Now 720 is way better? Hmm..
Yeah, we’ll see if this is a one-time thing or if this will become the predominant bell reward. It does seem to change every once in a while, like it used to be 552 before it was 520.
Bell themes don’t happen in my ACCF town – it’s random. I don’t know why these themes happen to you, Jeff.
Freckles is a duck – shouldn’t she like rain?
That’s what I was thinking! She must be the only duck who hates rain.