When I started up the game today, I found Broccolo’s goodbye letter in the mail. I think Broccolo is my favorite mouse in the whole series, although Chico (from the GameCube game) is up there too.
Freckles asked me to make a delivery to Static, and I agreed to help out. Even as I handed Static the gift, which was clearly clothing, he asked if it was a castanet or a cheese pizza. Maybe he needs glasses.
It was a noble shirt, and he seemed to enjoy it. When I returned to Freckles, she gave me a dirt-clod wall to thank me. Wow. Great reward.
A couple minutes later, Benedict also had a gift for Static! It’s not even his birthday! The gift was a cabin rug. When I returned to Benedict, he gave me a stone wall for my trouble. I’m noticing a trend.
When I ran into Savannah, she asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. I had 15 minutes to find Savannah, Freckles, and Chow. Savannah was the first one I found; she was hiding behind her own house!
I later found Chow behind a tree near the museum, and Freckles was hiding behind Chow’s house.
For winning the game, Savannah rewarded me with a mini dingloid.
But I already have one…

Later, I went up to the observatory at the museum. I made a constellation, and then deleted it…just to get Celeste to say this.
See you all next week!