Freckles was sick with a bad cold today, so I bought her some medicine. She flipped as she took it. Hey, she looks like a duck upside-down too!
I ran into Tank outside, and he commented on my mohawk wig. Is it that obvious it’s a wig?
He said if he had one, he would wear it to skateboarding practice just to mess with people.
I found a new house next door to me, where Broccolo recently lived. That spot never seems to stay empty for long. Cyrano once lived there, Del once lived there, and Elmer too (his 2nd time in Forest). I guess it’s nice to (almost) always have a next door neighbor.
So I went inside, and found Poncho the bear. He’s an okay villager, but I don’t think I’ll like him as much as Broccolo (or Cyrano, Del, or Elmer).
Savannah asked me for a spider tonight, and I hate to turn down any of her requests. But after shaking trees for a while, I found four bees (three of which stung me), but no spiders. Sorry, Savannah.
It is so weird how animals flip when they take medicine..
It’s a WIG? I’ve been lied to