Collecting for Saharah

I started off my day with a trip to the city. I went into Shampoodle and changed my hair back to its normal brown color.

Then, back in Forest, I found Saharah. She was collecting old wallpaper, so I began asking my villagers if they had any. Surprisingly, Opal was offended by the question.

Opal: Old wallpaper?! What an insult!My newest neighbor, Poncho, was much more helpful. In fact, he was the only one of my villagers that had some old wallpaper for me.

Poncho: That old super dusty. Don't unroll it, li'l bear!I put that old wallpaper in storage with one other one I already had there.

In Able Sisters, I bought myself a night sky tee. That was so I could put my club shirt back into storage with my mohawk wig.

When I visited Tank, he told me that he had an idea he wanted to pass along to the mayor. He wants to have a huge festival for rearranging furniture. He even said that he’s a certified instructor, so he could teach everyone how to rearrange furniture like a pro. I’m not sure I believed him. I mean…this is what his house looks like.

Tank's house, with most of his furniture in a straight line across the center of his room.I visited Benedict later on, and he told me that Saharah took his rug, even though it was stained with fruit juice and food. He said that if not for Saharah, he’d still be living with that gross thing.

Benedict: If it weren't for Saharah, I'd still be living with that gross thing.
Um, have you looked at your current rug lately? Just saying.


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