I visited Dotty today, and she has all her furniture unpacked now. But…why does she have three astronauts in here with her? I could understand having one space suit if you’re a big space fan, but why three of them, all in a row? I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I guess three is crater greater than one.
In Nook ‘n’ Go, I saw this Japanese drum on sale, so I bought it. It might be fun to just bang on my drum all day.
When I visited Poncho, he told me about a dream he had. He said that a fish came out of the water and started tap dancing on its flippers! Weird guy.
I took a bus to the city, and I saw Phineas there. I asked him for a bunny balloon, and he obliged.
He gave me a green one. I held it, and then stood next to another bunny, Gabi.

Back in Forest, Tank was standing next to my house. He asked for a new catchphrase, and I told him to say “tank you.”
Savannah was locked out of her house, so of course I had to find her key for her. After fishing it out of the river, I gave her the key and she rewarded me with a blue cabinet.