Kitty was sick with a cold today. She looks so sad and depressed that it was kind of funny.

Saharah was in town again today, looking for old wallpaper. So I began asking my villagers, and Nan happily gave me some.
Outside, Chow told me that he was planning on moving out of town soon.
I told him not to go, but he didn’t change his mind.
After a stop at Nook ‘n’ Go, I took some medicine over to Kitty.
Other than Nan, none of my villagers had old wallpaper for me. But fortunately, I had two of them in storage. So I took all three back to Saharah, and she gave me a mortar wall. Again! That’s what she gave me last week! I guess this makes her my mortar enemy.
I then took the bus out to the city. While there, I had a chat with my old friend Biskit, who mentioned a girl from Jannali. Jannali was Brian’s town. It’s kind of interesting how characters will remember the players you’ve played with before, even though it’s been years since Nintendo pulled the plug on the service.