Chow sent me his goodbye letter in the mail, and I received it today.
A notice on the bulletin board informed town residents that the fireworks festivals are almost here! They take place on Sunday nights in August, and there are four of them this year.

I’ll try to check out the fireworks at some point this month. Although, I still have some leftover unused fireworks from last year! Oops!
The hot summer temperatures are making some of the animals uncomfortable. Static even said he’s thinking about shaving his fur off! Don’t do it, Static! Just buy an air conditioner or something!
When I had a chat with Tank, he told me that Nan recently became a vegetarian. So I guess that means she ate meat until recently, then? Hmm, I wonder
who what she ate.
Opal asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told her to say “I’m a gem.”

I then caught a few bugs, but it wasn’t late enough for the really valuable ones to be out just yet.
I found my old Wii and started playing City Folk again today. Tabby lives in my town, but so do two of my villagers from my very first City Folk town.
The nostalgia is intense.
It’s always good to meet back up with old friends from previous towns.
Kabuki moved into my town yesterday, too. He lived in my ex’s town back in the day, and I always said I was going to steal him. Nine years later I finally got him!
I like all the cat villagers, though…probably because I’m a crazy cat lady and have four real ones.
Are they pescatarian? Do they eat fish?