Groucho has finally moved out of town. I got his goodbye letter in the mail today.
If you notice the dirt in the lower-left corner of that picture, that’s the spot where his house was. If history is any indication, that spot won’t stay empty for very long. There almost always seems to be someone living there.
Over by town hall, I ran into Dotty. She was fangirling over Phyllis, of all people!

In Samson’s house, I noticed he had two watermelon chairs (well, one was a melon chair) arranged back to back. Who sits like that? Other than competing contestants on a game show or something.
After a quick chat with Benedict in his house, I was heading back outside. Since his house was kinda cluttered, I decided to take a shortcut by hopping on his bed. But as soon as my character jumped into the bed, my batteries died! I guess my character really wanted to keep sleeping there!
I had to swap out my batteries before I could wake up from my nap.
Nan asked me for a fossil, so I gave her the only one I dug up today: an iguanodon tail. You never get equal value when you give a villager a fossil, but I was trying to be nice for a change. But even with lowered expectations for my reward, I was still a bit disappointed. She gave me a garbage pail! Garbage for a fossil?! Come on!
Back outside, I caught a flea that was on Tangy. I then took a quick bus trip to the city before ending my session.
Next week is the 9th anniversary of Animal Crossing: City Folk! Isn’t it hard to believe it’s been nine years? I may or may not have my annual slideshow ready by then, but I will at least be back with another blog entry. See you then!