Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, and Animal Crossing celebrates the occasion with the harvest festival. Tortimer was standing outside of town hall, next to tables full of fruit and side dishes…but no main course. Tortimer gave me a knife and fork.
Tangy was using the holiday to…look for a boy? She was hoping a boy would fall in love with her after seeing her elegant cutlery moves. And she just happened to be wearing a very skimpy bikini as well.

I soon found Franklin the turkey hiding behind Midge’s house. He seemed a little tense.
I gave him the knife and fork, and he gave me a harvest lamp in return. I went back to Tortimer for another knife and fork, and continued my walk around town. The next time I found Franklin, he gave me a harvest dresser.
Near the northwest bridge, I ran into Champ the monkey. Like PoizonMushro0m (Mike) pointed out in a comment last time, some people think Champ may really be Porter, who runs the train station in the GameCube game and in New Leaf. Champ’s catchphrase seems to support this theory, seeing that his catchphrase is “choo CHOO.”
When I visited Benedict, he told me the plan for today: Stuff your face, complain about being full, and then go back for more.
Once I finished making my rounds, I focused on hunting down Franklin. I’d give him the knife and fork, get a piece of harvest furniture, get new cutlery from Tortimer, and then look for Franklin again.
In all, I found Franklin ten times. I then sold the furniture for a total of 33,330 bells. It’s actually not worth as much as I was thinking; the spooky and Jingle sets are worth much more.
Happy Thanksgiving if you’re in the United States like me! And if not, I hope you enjoyed the harvest festival in any Animal Crossing games that you may have played today. See you next time!