As soon as I came out of my house today, Champ was standing there waiting for me. He asked me to make a delivery to Tangy…who was also nearby.
So I made the long journey over to Tangy, and handed her the gift. It was a Toad shirt, and Tangy put it on right away.
After telling Champ I made the delivery, he rewarded me by giving me an illusion floor.
Dotty is now all packed up and ready to move out of town, so I went and said goodbye to her. I took a good look, ’cause it’s the last time.
Over at Able Sisters, I bought myself a space suit. Now that Christmas is over, it’s time to put the Jingle shirt away. But Opal spotted the Jingle shirt in my pockets, and she gave me a blue-trim wall for it. She didn’t change into the shirt, though.
I then went over to Samson’s house and played with his bowling balls for a while.
After a quick trip to the city, I returned to town. Midge says that when she sees the snow, she forgets how cold it really is. Odd, because I’d think the mere existence of snow should give her a hint that it’s cold out here.

I’ll be back on Monday to pick up my New Year’s shirt for 2018!
Wii Sports Bowling: Animal Crossing Edition