I received Dotty’s goodbye letter in the mail today. I’d say I’ll miss her, but…I won’t.
But that letter was one of eight in my mailbox! I also received my monthly statement from the Bank of Nintendo, and new year’s greetings from Mom, Opal, Kitty, Benedict, Tangy, and Static.
I walked over to town hall (which isn’t far from my house) and had a chat with Tortimer. He had a gift for me, the New Year’s shirt for 2018!
I put it on and went into my house for a closer look at it (since you can’t zoom in the camera outdoors). It has 2018 on the back and a dog on the front, since 2018 is the year of the dog in the Chinese zodiac.
I then spoke with all of my villagers, and they all wished me a happy new year.
Tangy said that the 2018 version of her is more powerful. Does that mean her juice is more concentrated?
I spotted a balloon present and shot it down. Will it contain something lucky for the new year? Nah, it was just a green counter.
Happy new year, everyone! I hope you all have a great 2018!