On Wednesday night, I decided to have some fun with all the pitfall seeds I’ve been hoarding lately. I built a large snowman, and made sure Tabby was outside (so she could participate in the pitfall party I had planned).
So I started trapping the five outdoor villagers into an area I had sectioned off. Some of the animals accused me of being a bully, but it’s for their own good! It’s so they can enjoy a fun pitfall party!
I dug holes and buried 25 pitfall seeds. I left myself a safe corridor where I could walk around the large animal trap without falling in any pitfalls.
Before I started the fun, Midge seemed a big angry. But interestingly, I saw that all of the trapped animals had changed into rainbow bikinis!
After falling into a pitfall myself (and replacing it), I started the party! Clyde was the first to get down, and Midge was next. But the others needed a push to get started. But I we had a good time.
Okay, well maybe they weren’t all happy about it…

In other news around town, I found a weather forecast on the bulletin board. It said temps will be higher than normal, so ponds shouldn’t freeze over.
This corrects a mistake that was in Wild World. In ACWW, the similar message said that low temps will prevent the lake from freezing. Oops.
Static was feeling better, now that he’s over his cold. He didn’t thank me for the medicine I gave him, though. Apparently one dose isn’t enough.

And speaking of purple animals, I found my old BFF Bob in the city. It’s good to see him again, even if he doesn’t remember me. *sniff sniff*
Back in town, Midge tried to sell me a Nintendo Labo.
Since she only asked for 112 bells, I went ahead and bought it. At least her price is reasonable.
Today, Tangy told me she was moving out of town. No, not her! That’s the wrong cat! I told her not to go, but she said she’s going to move anyway. I’m going to have to keep trying to save her.
Saharah was in town, looking for old carpeting. Opal and Static were the only villagers that had some old carpet for me.
While attempting to save Tangy, she asked me for an MVP shirt. I ordered her one, and later took it to her. She seemed to like it, but then she rewarded me with a vision tester. Wait, didn’t I buy the right thing?
Just minutes later, I caught Kitty and Tangy gossiping about me! I swear, Kitty is always causing trouble. But the worst part is that Tangy had already changed out of her MVP shirt!
I’m finally starting to see that Kitty is such a bad influence on everyone in town. She needs to go. Bad Kitty.