Today, Opal was walking around outside, holding a net. But she confessed that she has another reason for catching bugs: She can linger near her neighbors to listen for good gossip! She said her goal for the day was to catch two bugs and to hear five compliments.
When I went into Champ’s house, I was quite disappointed to see that he had all his furniture packed up in boxes. He’s moving out of town. This is what happens when you don’t play regularly–one of your favorite villagers may move away without you having a chance to stop them. It’s a shame he didn’t stick around longer. I’ll miss the guy.
Kitty asked me to make a delivery to Tabby, and I agreed to help out for some reason. The gift was a polar fleece, and Tabby just thought it was adequate. When I returned to Kitty and told her the news, she rewarded me with a cactus.

Tangy asked me for a yellow perch, so I went fishing for a while. On my way to Nookington’s to sell a bunch of other fish, Tabby noticed a carp in my pockets.
She wanted to buy it from me for 478 bells, and I agreed to the deal.
I continued fishing, but I never found a yellow perch for Tangy. However, I did fish a key out of the river!
The key belonged to Samson, who had locked himself out of his house. When I returned it to him, he rewarded me with a blue bookcase. Funny that he can carry around a blue bookcase in his pockets, but forgets to bring along his house key.