I received Champ’s goodbye letter in the mail today. He even had the snes sense to write it on SMB3 paper.
Kitty asked me to make a delivery to Samson, and I agreed to help. But really, why would a cat want to send a gift to a mouse? Still, I gave Samson the package, and it contained a dice shirt. Samson hated it.
I returned to Kitty and told her the news. She was a bit angry that Samson didn’t like the gift. But she gave me a gold screen wall for my trouble.
I rode the bus out to the city and got my hair done; it’s back to being brown now. And at Able Sisters, I bought a green tie-dye shirt. My Mohawk McClover outfit has gone back into storage until next year.
When I bumped into Tangy, she asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. So I had ten minutes to find her, Opal, and Midge. It took me over four minutes to find someone: I first found Opal hiding behind the empty house by the river.
Nearly two minutes later, I found Midge hiding behind Kitty’s house. And with about three minutes to go on the timer, I found Tangy hiding behind a sign post. This is where Champ lived.

For winning the game, I received a mega howloid from Tangy.