I got some bad news in City Folk today. When I went to visit Tangy, I saw that all her furniture was packed up in juice boxes. She’s moving out of town, without warning.

I just lost Champ last month, and now Tangy is leaving too. Two of my favorites. Why couldn’t it be Tabby instead? Or Kitty?
Speaking of Kitty, she said she heard people saying I don’t speak politely. But I think it was probably her that was spreading the rumor. Or it could be Tabby. I’m never polite to Tabby.
I saw a balloon present floating by, so I got my slingshot out and popped the green balloon. The packaged contained a white boom box.
When I visited Benedict, I saw that his fish was laying flat on the bottom of its aquarium!

It did flap around occasionally, but still…it didn’t look it’s doing very well.
While walking near the waterfall (and looking up), I saw Drift up on top of the cliff. I tried waving to him, and to my surprise, it actually worked! I didn’t think it would work when we’re on different levels, but it did. The only bad thing was that I didn’t see him wave back, because once I clicked the button, the view changed back to normal (instead of looking up).
I walked over to the cliff to get a look at him, and I shot my slingshot in front of his face. I wasn’t trying to hurt him or anything, I was just messing around. When I took a picture, two of the pellets appeared in front of his face. It looked like he got some piercings on his upper lip…or maybe you think they look more like an extra pair of eyes?
Opal asked me for some “bedlike furniture” (aka a bed). I checked Nook’s shop, and luckily for Opal, he had a bed for sale today. It was a modern bed, and it cost me 1,856 bells. I took it back to Opal, and she rewarded me with 528 bells. One-third of what I paid for it. Thanks a lot, Opal.
I rode the bus out to the city, and I saw my old buddy Bob there! He was sad that Phineas wasn’t around, because he was looking forward to getting a prize. Aw, poor guy.
I recently posted a new ACCF video, City Folk Moments #3. It features the Tabby scene I mentioned last time, and a number of other things that you may remember from the blog (and a few others as well). If you haven’t seen it yet (or want to watch it again), here it is. I hope you enjoy it.