It’s a pretty time of year in Animal Crossing, because cherry blossom petals are now gently falling from the sky. On a less pleasant note, Tabby was talking about what makes her puke.
Perhaps Static overhead what Tabby said, because something made him sick. I gave him some medicine, so hopefully he’ll start feeling better soon.
As I was watering flowers, I fell into a pitfall right outside of Clyde’s house. The pitfall was hidden behind a tree, so I didn’t see it. Actually, this is where Merry used to live, and I often pitfall’d my Wi-Fi visitors here.
Not far from there, I found a new house! Drift the frog was inside; he just moved in. He said it was good to meet me, but his face seemed to say otherwise.
Midge was talking about visitors from other towns, and then she started singing Cotton Eye Joe!
Tabby asked to visit my house (no way!) to get decorating ideas. She said she needed some suggestions because “her honey” is going to visit her at some point. Who is her honey?! A blind beaver or something?
Tabby asked me for a new catchphrase, and I told her to say “crabby.” As in Crabby Tabby. She used her new catchphrase when she had a chat with Midge. Midge said that she wanted a big, bright house with lots of skylights. So Tabby called her a “trip and a half.”
After completing a trip around town, I realized that I hadn’t found any fossils today. So I made several more circles around town, this time making a more thorough search. And even though I found some weeds and gyroids I missed the first time around, I only found one fossil! The others must be hidden really well. I just don’t know where they could be, because I thought I looked everywhere. Oh well.
I’ve never only found one fossil in a day… well that was bad luck there.
I recently had to get a new Wii as my old one’s disc drive completely died. How exactly do you do a system transfer? I’m doing this so I don’t lose nine years of City Folk.
This video from Nintendo shows the process. It’s a life-saver! Well, a town saver at least.
Does this work for Wii to Wii transfers as well? I don’t have a Wii U.
Oh sorry, I misread the first comment. Sadly, I don’t believe you can do it that way. Your only hope may be to contact Nintendo. They may be able to repair your first Wii or transfer the data if you send them both in, but they’ll surely charge a fee for it.
Well, I’ll see if my aunt would let me transfer the data onto her Wii U since she knows my ACCF town is very important.
Just be careful with that, because I believe it will replace any account info (purchased games, etc.) already on the Wii U with the account info from the Wii. You may want to show her the details of the process first, so she doesn’t have any surprises.
Alrighty then. We haven’t downloaded any games onto her system, but will it affect physical copies and their data?
If both systems have data for the same Wii game, your data would replace hers. I don’t think any Wii U data would be affected, but you may want to check with Nintendo directly to make sure before you do the transfer.
Here is Nintendo’s list of what’s transferred.
Well, that would mean I’d be losing an underdeveloped town on her system. Only thing I’d have to say goodbye to is Mitzi. I’d be willing to do that though.