The April fishing tournament was held today, and I caught a dace for Chip. He scrutinized it closely before wolfing it down.
The dace was 11.3 inches long, but that was much smaller than the current record: Static’s 41 inch sea bass. So I returned to the ocean from whence I came in search of a sea bass for myself. A few minutes later, I caught one. When I took it over to Chip, he told me it was 44 inches long!
That put me in first place, and Chip gave me a robo-table as a prize.
I visited Opal, and she told me that Static and Tabby have been fighting lately. But Opal wasn’t concerned about helping them out…she just enjoys seeing them throw shaved ice at each other! Actually, it would be pretty cool to see someone throw ice at Tabby.
I ran into Static on the ramp, and he said he wasn’t going to let anyone else win the fishing tournament. He planned to keep fishing for as long as it takes.

I was looking through the fish and bug descriptions in the game, and I learned something new: I learned that fireflies are not turn signals. Who knew?
At Able Sisters, I changed the path pattern back to the usual green bricks. Also, I suddenly got the urge to play the numbers 7-6-0 in the Animal Crossing lottery.
After 6:00, I returned to Chip to check the results of the fishing tournament. He confirmed that my 44-inch sea bass was the final winner, and he said he’ll send my prize in the mail.
I agree that it’d be cool to see someone throw ice at Tabby.