Saturday is K.K. Slider night, and Tabby told me she was DYING to see him play!

I then took a walk up to the museum and asked the singing dog to choose a song for me. He performed K.K. Tango. Fortunately, Tabby didn’t show up and expect to tango with me.
Static was feeling sick, so I bought some medicine for him. It didn’t seem to help him very much, though. Hopefully he’ll start feeling better soon.
I was quite disappointed when I went into Benedict’s house. He’s moving away! Ugh! I’ve already lost Champ and Tangy in the past two months, and now Benedict too?!
Of course, I still like Static a lot. Kabuki, Opal, and Drift are fairly cool too. But still, Forest is going through one of those spells where my villagers are mostly mediocre. Ehh, things will improve at some point, I’m sure. Forest will just seem a little bland in the meantime.
Drift was out bug-hunting tonight. He was complaining that a spider wouldn’t jump right into his net. Is this his first time bug-hunting, or what?

Have a good weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time.