When I went to visit Drift tonight, I found that he had all his belongings packed up in boxes. Unfortunately, he’s moving out of town. It’s sad to see him drift away like this.
At the Roost, K.K. Slider performed “Only Me” for me. That’s the same song he played for me in New Leaf last week. Is the universe trying to tell me something?
As I walked past Bob’s grave (and more recently, the site of Kabuki’s house), I saw that almost all of the purple flowers were gone! I planted them for my 10th anniversary town tour, but I neglected to put them back into storage after I was done. Oops.
I grabbed the two non-wilted roses and put them back in Scott’s storage (from whence they came).
In case you’re wondering, I haven’t forgotten about my annual slideshow of City Folk pictures. I hope to post that within a few days, so stay tuned.
And speaking of videos, Mario has returned to Mushroom after taking a couple weeks off. Here is the latest episode of Mario Plays ACCF, which includes the harvest festival.
Maple was sick with a cold on Sunday, so I gave her some medicine. I repeated the process throughout the week, since I played several days this week.
Static had asked me for some new clothes…a specific shirt, although I don’t remember which shirt it was. But by Monday, he had given up on it (as well he should). The odds of finding a specific shirt in Able Sisters on any given day are very small. And the odds of me not being too lazy to actually order it? Even smaller. So he said he’ll just wear a fig leaf!
Opal was telling me about how flowers will wither if I don’t keep watering them. Oddly enough, she was standing near gold roses as she said it…and gold roses don’t wilt. But then she said I should make sure she doesn’t wither either!
Are you asking me to bathe you? o.O
Today (November 16th) is the 10-year anniversary of Animal Crossing: City Folk’s release! Unlike most Animal Crossing games (and Nintendo games in general), it was actually released in America first. Only by a few days, but still, it’s a big difference from what happened with New Leaf. Japan got New Leaf seven months before the rest of the world.
I made a special video for the anniversary, and here it is. It’s a new town tour, where I stop at various spots around town to remember events that happened at each spot years ago, during online play. Wi-Fi Moments clips are overlaid onto the screen, so you can see how the area looked then and now. I hope you enjoy the video!
I got a letter from “Mom” today, and it’s about “Dad” learning to play the accordion? Hmm, I don’t think I remember seeing this letter before.
Are you sure he’s not playing a gyroid?
There’s a small detail that I originally intended to be in my 10th anniversary video. But it didn’t work out, because of the bell limit. If you’re holding more than 99,999 bells, 99k will be placed into a bag and your total bells won’t be displayed on the item screen. It only includes the money bags if you go inside a shop or something, and my tour only focused on the outdoor parts of town. But if you look at my bell total from inside town hall, you can probably see what I was going for.
Maple was over her cold today, and she rewarded me by giving me a clackercart.
With today being a day of looking back at ACCF, it may be a good time to revisit my list of 11 things that you can do in City Folk, but not in New Leaf. Hopefully some of these will return in Animal Crossing Switch next year!
Did any of you do anything special for the anniversary (like checking in on your old town)? Feel free to share your memories in the comments, and have a great weekend!
On Wednesday, I was happy to see Tabby. Wait, let me finish. I was happy to see Tabby all packed up and ready to move out of town! Yay!
I wouldn’t know. But it’s not easy being your enemy either. It’s a lot of work planting all those pitfalls for you!
And then yesterday, she was officially gone. I got her goodbye letter in the mail.
Drift asked me for a new greeting, and of course, I had the 10th anniversary on my mind. So I told him to say “10 years of ACCF.”
Today, I already found a new house in town! Dizzy the elephant was inside. He moved in so fast that it made my head spin. I like Dizzy though, so it’s good to have him here.
Time to unpack your trunk.
At Nook ‘n’ Go, I ordered the one-way tee and cavalier hat. I’ve decided this will be the outfit I wear for my 10th anniversary video.
I wanted to wear something that was a throwback to the early days of ACCF, and that outfit was something I wore a lot in early 2009. In fact, I was wearing it in the 9th picture I ever took in the game! This is from January 1st, 2009, just 15 minutes after midnight. That’s Ness (aka Bushido) dressed as the baby new year.
I’ve made good progress on the video, even though I haven’t technically recorded it yet. I’m glad that Tabby won’t be in it, and now with Dizzy moved in, I don’t have to worry about any unexpected move-ins either. I am a bit sad that I have some minor grass wear around town that I won’t have time to heal, but that’s alright. I think it’s going to be a good video. Look for it on Friday, November 16th.