Tartar Sauce

On Monday, I found Dizzy near town hall. He wanted to snack on some fish, but he realized he had to catch some first. As for the tartar sauce, he asked if he had to fish that out of the water too.

Dizzy: Do they come with tartar sauce, or do I have to fish that out of the water, too?

Today, I shot down a balloon present and it contained a bottled ship. If there’s anyone on board that ship, I bet they’re quite confused by now. They’re on a ship built for the water, yet they were sailing through the air instead. And now they’re grounded.

Shooting down a balloon present in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. I went around town to ask all of my villagers for some, and three of them obliged: Kitty, Maple, and Dizzy all had old wallpaper for me. I took them over to Saharah, and she gave me a classroom wall in exchange for them.

Saharah: Here...a classroom wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.

It’s not one that I needed or wanted, but oh well. Saharah isn’t very cooperative in this game.

There’s no new episode of Mario Plays ACCF this week, but there will be one next week. Also, I’m working on another video that I hope to have up in the next week or so. It’s not an ACCF video, but it will have several ACCF clips in it. Stay tuned. 🙂

Visible Bones

Yesterday, I found a new house in the spot where Tabby recently lived. When I went inside, I was happy to see a familiar face: Bones the dog!

Bones: Eep! My place still isn't ready, and neither am I! I'm Bones, and I just moved here today.

I had Bones in my New Leaf town until just a few weeks ago. Around the same time, Bones also moved into my GameCube town! I like Bones, but the problem was that he goes to bed so early that I rarely got to see him.

However, that will not be a problem in this case. Unlike the other games, no villagers go to sleep earlier than 1 a.m. in City Folk! That’s one advantage of ACCF that nobody ever seems to mention, but it’s a big plus for night owls like me!

I visited him again today, and he’s fully unpacked now. Interestingly, he has two chairs in the center of his room, placed back to back. Is he planning on playing musical chairs? It reminds me of my ACCF 1st anniversary party. 😛

Two chairs back-to-back in Bones' house.

Opal asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek, so I had ten minutes to find her, Limberg, and Scoot. I followed my nose and found Limberg almost immediately.

Limberg: Aww, nuts! You found me already, squinky?! Maybe I should wear less aftershave...
Aftershave? It doesn’t look like you’ve shaved in a week.

A couple minutes later, I found Opal trying to hide behind a palm tree.

Opal tries to hide behind a palm tree during a game of hide-and-seek in ACCF.

But after two full trips around town, I still couldn’t find Scoot. Time ran out, and I lost the game. It’s been a while since I’ve lost a game of hide-and-seek. Scoot must’ve had a really good hiding spot! After I spoke to Opal again, we returned to town hall, where Opal continued to gloat. 😛

Opal: I mean, I knew it was going to turn out this way!

I took my frustrations (not really) out on a snowman I made. Take that! 😀

A snowman with a huge head and small body.

Have a great weekend, everyone! See you next time!

Al Be Gone

On Thursday, I got Al’s goodbye letter in the mail. I honestly won’t miss him much. And besides, I still have him in Mushroom anyway.

Dear Jeff, Moving day is finally here, and I keep thinking of the fun times we had. Those memories are what I'll take with me to my new town, not just boxes and stuff. -From Al

Dizzy has been sick lately, so I gave him some medicine on Thursday, and again today.

Dizzy takes his medicine in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

As I was walking along the cliff, I saw Limberg standing down below the edge. So naturally, I had to sprinkle some water on him. Hopefully it’ll quickly freeze, leaving him with icicles down his face. Sorry if that sounds cold. 😛

Jeff uses his watering can to sprinkle Limberg in ACCF.

Sterling asked me to make a delivery to Maple, so I took her the gift…a cabin armchair. When I returned to Sterling, he rewarded me with a lattice wall.

Scoot seemed to be enjoying the cold winter weather. He said it makes him want to ski off of a cliff! Maybe he can ski off the cliff and land on Limberg. 😛

Scoot: Your head gets all cold and you get this unquenchable urge to ski off a cliff! WOOOOOOOOO!

Last time, I forgot to embed Mario Plays ACCF #16 into the blog entry. So I’ll embed it, and also the new part 17. I hope you enjoy the videos!