Scoot Over

Kitty sent my reward (from last week) in the mail, and I got it (a round carpet) today.

When I visited Scoot, I was sad to see his belongings packed up in boxes. He’s moving out of town. 🙁

Scoot: Whoa! Sizzly J?! I was trying to move out in secret, but you must've heard my muscles flexing.

Opal told me that she was spending lots of time looking at her reflection in the river. And while she was doing it, she apparently dropped her house key into the water. Not the smartest thing to do.

Opal: I was spending a lot of time looking at my reflection in the water, and I could have dropped it then.
That’s what you get for not sending me a valentine last week.

I decided to look for her key, just to be nice (even though I didn’t want to waste too much time on it). But amazingly, I found the key on my very first try!

Fishing Opal's key out of the river.
Is this the key to her heart? Nope.

I took it back to her, and she rewarded me by giving me a mega bovoid. Holy cow.

Midge was standing near the museum, talking about Blathers. She said that he works hard all night…… in her nest! 😮

Midge: You know, because of Blathers... He must work so hard all night, in my nest...
Birds of a feather… flock together.

The snow in town will be gone as of Monday morning. I’m looking forward to seeing green grass again. And at some point next week, I’m going to try to record my pitfall video. So keep an eye out for that. 🙂

In the meantime, please enjoy my latest episode of Mario Plays ACCF. 🙂

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