That’s an Ugly Mouse

I got Dizzy’s goodbye letter in the mail today.

Dear Jeff, It's almost time for me to leave Forest. 'Cause of you, every day I lived here was tons of fun. Thanks for everything! I'll miss you! -Dizzy
I’ll miss you too.

Bones and Roald had a conversation near Nook ‘n’ Go, and I listened in. They were talking about a competition that was on TV last night, just going on and on about it. At least, until Roald said this:

Roald: And then one day, we'll be hockey stars, and we'll make the whole world cry like the babies they are!

Bones was confused, because he was talking about a pie-eating competition, not a hockey match. The conversation abruptly ended after that, as you might imagine. 😛

I went to the Roost, and Static was there enjoying some coffee. He said that the Roost is a real café, unlike those places where a bunch of little old ladies sip tea!

Static: You know the type of cafe where half the customers are little old ladies drinking tea?

He also talked about Brewster’s presence in the Roost.

Static: The owner here is a bird of few words. I can respect that. Zap it.

Once I was done checking out all of Static’s Roost dialogue, I sat down and enjoyed a live musical performance of K.K. Cruisin’. It’s always a good song to hear.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Cruisin'.

Not much else was going on in Forest tonight. I took a bus out to the city, and saw Rizzo there. I haven’t seen a lot of Rizzo in the series, but my first thought was: “Wow, that’s an ugly mouse.”

Rizzo: The other day when I passed the salon before it opened...

It looks like he has purple hair, with purple sideburns that go down his face and turn into a purple mustache. Some sites say it’s a scarf, not his hair, but why would you wear a scarf like that? Tie it under your nose so it covers your upper lip, but not your nose or mouth? Either way, I stand by what I said: That’s an ugly mouse.

Leaving Me Dizzy

Dizzy surprised me today by having all his belongings packed up in boxes! He’s moving out of town, without any notice!

Dizzy: It's just, I haven't seen you until today, so I didn't have a chance to tell you...

He said he hadn’t seen me lately, but that is a complete lie! I actually played yesterday, and I spoke to him, but he didn’t mention moving at all! He just wanted to know if he looked cool in the clothes he was wearing.

I went up to the Roost, and Limberg was enjoying some coffee there. Although it sounds like he got some of his stubble in his coffee…or was it coffee in his stubble? Either way, it sounded gross.

Limberg: There's something just a touch...shall we say mysterious about coffee. Mmm, my stubble!

I asked K.K. Slider to play a random song, and he performed K.K. Metal.

K.K. Slider performs at The Roost in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Bones asked me to find some trendy furniture for him. I found a trash bin at the lost and found, so I decided to try that. To my surprise, Bones loved it!

Bones: It's the trash bin furniture I was dreaming about, yip yip!

Roald was sick with a cold, and at first, I thought I would just let him suffer. But I have to admit, this Roald hasn’t really been rude to me…unlike Wild World Roald. So I went ahead and bought some medicine for him. Get well soon, City Folk Roald. Don’t turn into a jerk like your pixelated ACWW twin!

Animal Crossing: City Folk screenshot showing Roald the penguin taking some medicine.

Thank you for stopping by the blog, and have a great day or night! 🙂

Loach Tourney

The March fishing tournament was held today, and Dizzy informed me that only loaches were eligible.

Dizzy: The name of the game in today's Loach Fishing Tourney is size. Also, loach.

I decided to make my rounds before I went fishing, and I spotted a clover on the ground. I thought to myself how lucky it would be if it was a four-leaf clover, especially this close to St. Patrick’s Day (and since I was already dressed as Mohawk McClover). So I went to pick it up, but no such luck: It was a regular clover. As I returned to the path, I fell into a pitfall that was hidden behind a tree next to where the clover was!

Jeff struggles in a pitfall.

When I visited Maple, she told me what she thought of hip-hop music, yo.

Maple: According to Limberg, it's all... YO! Yo, Forest... YO! Maple in the house!

I completed my trip around town, and I finally re-planted two trees I cut down for my pitfall fun from a couple weeks ago. I got my fishing rod out, and I caught two loaches. I took them over to Chip (the fishing tourney judge), and the first one was too small. But the second one was 8.7 inches, which beat Static’s record.

Chip: This could be a good one... Aaand it is! A new record! Gravy!

Chip gave me a tea table for taking over the top spot. I didn’t feel like fishing any more, so I turned off the game for a few hours. Later, I returned to see if I had won the tournament. However, Chip informed me that Kitty won with an 8.8 inch loach! She beat me by a tenth of an inch!

Chip: Kitty from here in Forest! Solid fishing! But not so much for you. Nyuuk nyuk!

That was a bit disappointing, but of course it wasn’t a big deal since I’ve won plenty of fishing tournaments over the years.

Limberg pinged me and asked for a new catchphrase to replace “ol’ pal.” Since that catchphrase was solely intended for Opal, I agreed to give him a new one. “In my beard” wouldn’t fit, so I told him to say “my stubble.” We’ll have to wait and see if he uses it in a funny way in the future.