Loach Tourney

The March fishing tournament was held today, and Dizzy informed me that only loaches were eligible.

Dizzy: The name of the game in today's Loach Fishing Tourney is size. Also, loach.

I decided to make my rounds before I went fishing, and I spotted a clover on the ground. I thought to myself how lucky it would be if it was a four-leaf clover, especially this close to St. Patrick’s Day (and since I was already dressed as Mohawk McClover). So I went to pick it up, but no such luck: It was a regular clover. As I returned to the path, I fell into a pitfall that was hidden behind a tree next to where the clover was!

Jeff struggles in a pitfall.

When I visited Maple, she told me what she thought of hip-hop music, yo.

Maple: According to Limberg, it's all... YO! Yo, Forest... YO! Maple in the house!

I completed my trip around town, and I finally re-planted two trees I cut down for my pitfall fun from a couple weeks ago. I got my fishing rod out, and I caught two loaches. I took them over to Chip (the fishing tourney judge), and the first one was too small. But the second one was 8.7 inches, which beat Static’s record.

Chip: This could be a good one... Aaand it is! A new record! Gravy!

Chip gave me a tea table for taking over the top spot. I didn’t feel like fishing any more, so I turned off the game for a few hours. Later, I returned to see if I had won the tournament. However, Chip informed me that Kitty won with an 8.8 inch loach! She beat me by a tenth of an inch!

Chip: Kitty from here in Forest! Solid fishing! But not so much for you. Nyuuk nyuk!

That was a bit disappointing, but of course it wasn’t a big deal since I’ve won plenty of fishing tournaments over the years.

Limberg pinged me and asked for a new catchphrase to replace “ol’ pal.” Since that catchphrase was solely intended for Opal, I agreed to give him a new one. “In my beard” wouldn’t fit, so I told him to say “my stubble.” We’ll have to wait and see if he uses it in a funny way in the future.