That’s an Ugly Mouse

I got Dizzy’s goodbye letter in the mail today.

Dear Jeff, It's almost time for me to leave Forest. 'Cause of you, every day I lived here was tons of fun. Thanks for everything! I'll miss you! -Dizzy
I’ll miss you too.

Bones and Roald had a conversation near Nook ‘n’ Go, and I listened in. They were talking about a competition that was on TV last night, just going on and on about it. At least, until Roald said this:

Roald: And then one day, we'll be hockey stars, and we'll make the whole world cry like the babies they are!

Bones was confused, because he was talking about a pie-eating competition, not a hockey match. The conversation abruptly ended after that, as you might imagine. 😛

I went to the Roost, and Static was there enjoying some coffee. He said that the Roost is a real café, unlike those places where a bunch of little old ladies sip tea!

Static: You know the type of cafe where half the customers are little old ladies drinking tea?

He also talked about Brewster’s presence in the Roost.

Static: The owner here is a bird of few words. I can respect that. Zap it.

Once I was done checking out all of Static’s Roost dialogue, I sat down and enjoyed a live musical performance of K.K. Cruisin’. It’s always a good song to hear.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Cruisin'.

Not much else was going on in Forest tonight. I took a bus out to the city, and saw Rizzo there. I haven’t seen a lot of Rizzo in the series, but my first thought was: “Wow, that’s an ugly mouse.”

Rizzo: The other day when I passed the salon before it opened...

It looks like he has purple hair, with purple sideburns that go down his face and turn into a purple mustache. Some sites say it’s a scarf, not his hair, but why would you wear a scarf like that? Tie it under your nose so it covers your upper lip, but not your nose or mouth? Either way, I stand by what I said: That’s an ugly mouse.