Roald Rolls Into Town

On Wednesday, I got to meet Scoot’s replacement: Roald the penguin. He just moved into my Wild World town in January, too. I’m not sure I want two Roalds around, but oh well.

Roald: Right on! Good to meet you. This is my first day living here. They call me Roald.

Kitty was sick with a cold, but I didn’t have medicine for her. However, I played again today, and this time I gave her some meds.

Kitty takes her medicine in ACCF.

Roald asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told him to say “I’m a jerk.” The Roald in Wild World called me fat, so I’m taking it out on the Roald here. 😛

Roald: It'll take me a while to get my tongue wrapped around it, but when I do, it's ON! I'm a jerk!

I made my annual trip to Shampoodle to transform myself into Mohawk McClover. This is the 11th year in a row I’ve made the change, with St. Patrick’s Day coming up.

Jeff transforms into Mohawk McClover at Shampoodle's.

Tomorrow is MAR10 day (March 10), and I’ll be celebrating by posting a new episode of Mario Plays ACCF. Have a great weekend!

Update: Here is the video. I hope you like it! 🙂

Grass & Pits

On Tuesday, I received Scoot’s goodbye letter in the mail.

'Sup, Jeff, I'm packing up and leaving town today. Thanks for everything. Forest is nice, but I need a town with more 'tude! -Scoot

Of course, the snow of winter has melted and grass is green once again.

The grass is green once again.

And since I didn’t use the ice bricks this winter, I didn’t have to change them back to green. This path pattern from Wendell looks good all year long.

Sterling asked me to buy an old tumbleweed of his, and I agreed to the purchase since it was only 456 bells. He even told me he’d give me the special autographed version! I don’t know how he could autograph a tumbleweed, but oh well.

Sterling: I'll even give you the special autographed version!

After I was done making my rounds, I set up some pitfalls for my video!

Pitfalls laid out in ACCF.

However, things didn’t go quite as I planned. So I had to scrap my plans and try again on Wednesday. And this time, it worked out. 🙂 Instead of my usual pitfall routine of trapping villagers, this time I surrounded myself with pitfalls.

The idea was for me to just stand and wait until one of my villagers pushed me in. Whoever did it became the winner. To see how it went down, see this video. 🙂

I played again today, and Midge asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. However, I wasn’t really in the mood, so I declined the offer.

Midge: Care to join me for a little session, in my nest?