A Better Penguin

It’s cherry blossom season now, and the pink petals are falling from the sky nonstop.

Cherry blossom petals fall from the sky in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

While I was visiting Limberg tonight, he asked me to make a delivery to Bones. Bones lives right next door, so it was an easy task to complete. I gave the package to Bones, and he found a bunny shirt inside. He put it on right away. I guess he’s all ready for Bunny Day now.

Bones: Is this a bunny shirt? Huh. I guess I should make the most of it, though, and give it a try, yip yip!

After visiting Roald, the next house I entered had a new villager inside: my old friend Puck (from my GameCube town)! Roald is even more useless now that I have a better penguin.

Puck: Nice to meetcha! I'm Puck, and I'm so happy to finally meet someone from this town!
Better ingredients. Better penguin.

At the Roost, K.K. Slider performed the song “To the Edge” for me.

K.K. Slider plays a song at the Roost in ACCF as the game credits roll.

Static asked me for some playful furniture, and I got the impression he was looking for kiddie furniture. Nook ‘n’ Go didn’t have any kiddie furniture today, but they did have a bottled ship. I wasn’t sure if that would qualify as “playful” enough, but I bought it anyway and took it back to Static. Fortunately, he really enjoyed it! He rewarded me with a lucky frog.

Static: I don't know what you must have gone through to get such a bottled ship thing, but I appreciate it.

I met Kitty near the bus stop; she said she was there to check the bus schedule. That was clearly a lie, but I let it slide this time.

Kitty: That's why I'm here to check the bus times.

I know I need to change my hair color back to brown, but I played too late; Shampoodle was already closed for the day.