Maple Leaves

Today, Puck told me he has to write his mom a letter and include a photo of himself to let her know he’s doing okay in Forest. However, Puck said all his clothes are filthy, so he asked me for some of my clothes.

Puck: So, uh, Jeff, do you think I could have some of your clothes so my mom won't have to worry?

I didn’t have any clothes on me (I was even wearing a pattern), so I went inside Able Sisters. I bought him a firefighter tee, and went back out to give it to him. But wouldn’t you know it? He said it wasn’t “fresh” enough, so he turned it down. Animals are too picky when it comes to clothes in this game.

When I went into Maple’s house, I saw that she was all packed up and ready to move out of town. Oh well. She’s probably moving to Canada.

Maple: I think you can tell by looking, but I've decided to move out of Forest for good, buzz off.

I spotted Limberg outside, and as he pinged me, I decided to set a mousetrap. 😉

Limberg, in a pitfall: Whaa! Why isn't the ground doing its job?!

I took the bus out to the city, and I found my old BFF Bob there. I was all aglow.

Bob: A huh huh huh! I snagged a balloon from the prize guy, pthhpth!

Bob was happy that he got a balloon from the prize guy (Phineas), so I made sure to get a balloon too. Phineas gave me an indigo balloon.

Jeff holds an indigo balloon in the city.

Video update time: I know it’s been a long time since my last episode of Mario Plays ACCF, but I do want to post another one before April ends. And if all goes well, I should also have a new City Folk Moments video in May.