Roald Can’t Reach

I received Maple’s goodbye letter in the mail tonight. Wait, this thing is sticky! Did she seal the envelope with syrup?

Dearest Jeff, It's time for me to leave Forest--and you, Jeff. It saddens me to leave behind a friend who means so much to me. Thanks for everything! -From Maple

Bones is sick with a cold, so I gave him some bedicine medicine. Get well soon, doggy!

Bones: Dod't worry, I took by bedicine.

When I visited Roald, he was just staring at his toilet! It’s like he just realized he was too short for a toilet so big, and he was desperately trying to figure out how he was going to use it. 😂

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song and he played K.K. Lullaby for me. I was just hoping it wouldn’t put me to sleep! Fortunately, it didn’t. 😛

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Lullaby.

Last Sunday was Bunny Day (Easter), and even though I didn’t participate in Forest, I did play in Mushroom. So I’ll be posting a new episode of Mario Plays ACCF in the next day or two. I’ll add it to this blog entry once it’s up. Have a good day and I’ll see you all soon! 🙂

Update: Here is the video. I hope you enjoy it!

Update #2: Just to let you know, I’ve put together a Bunny Day Guide. It may be too late for you to use it this year (unless you time travel), but it’ll be ready if you need it in a future year. I’ve included the Bunny Day dates through 2016.

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