Ol’ Pal Out

Sterling asked me for a new greeting tonight, and I told him to say “Steel my heart.”

Sterling: Steel my heart!

Right after that, Limberg walked by. The two of them had a conversation, and I listened in. Basically, Sterling said that Limberg talks like he’s an old, cranky grandpa. 🤣🤣🤣

Limberg, to Sterling: Man, if you'd known me when I was younger... I was a bad kid. Reckless, you know, my stubble.
Your stubble was reckless?

That wasn’t the only discussion about age, though. When I spoke with Static, he asked if his taste in clothes was appropriate for his age. I said “Too young, junior!” and he responded that the salesman said it was perfect for his bridge and shuffleboard club. 😛

Static: But the salesclerk said it was perfect for my bridge and shuffleboard club! Zap it!

I visited Puck, and he was happy to see me. I couldn’t say the same, but only because I couldn’t actually see him.

Puck, standing out of sight behind some furniture: Welcome, Jeff. It's good to see you!

Midge told me that Static suggested that she should get a pet flea. Static is such a prankster, and these animals Midge always falls for it!

Midge: I was talking to Static, and we decided it was a great idea for me to get a pet flea!

At the Roost, K.K. Slider performed Two Days Ago for me.

Just before wrapping up my night in Forest, I got some bad news: Opal is moving out of town! I’m really sad to see her go; she had become one of my favorite villagers.

Opal: Oh, did I surprise you, Sizzly J?
Yes. I don’t like surprises. 🙁

I posted a new video today showing what 19 Nintendo games would look like in neon. Animal Crossing: City Folk is the first video shown, but you can also see the Animal Crossing track in Mario Kart 8 a bit further into the video. Please check it out!