After saving Goldie from moving out, I bought myself a firefighter tee at Able Sisters. It’s not a shirt I normally wear, but I thought I’d try something new. When I went back outside, I spotted a magic lamp on the ground behind the shop.

Over by the museum, I heard a balloon present flying overhead. I whipped out my slingshot and shot it down. It contained a beach table.

Even though I had the magic lamp, I didn’t find Wisp anywhere in town. I think it was too early still, so I returned after 8 p.m. Over by town hall, a mysterious voice called out to me and scared me to death.

Of course, it was Wisp.

I told him I had his lamp, but he requested that I rub it in the privacy of my attic. So I did. I normally ask him for furniture as my reward, but this time, I decided to ask for a hat. Hats can be fun to wear. To my surprise, he gave me a festive hat (Santa’s hat, in other words).

But Christmas was six months ago! Why this now? Is he the ghost of Christmas past?

I decided not to keep it on. It’s too late (or too early) to be thinking about Christmas.
Roald was still sick with a cold, and this time, I actually bought some medicine for him. Maybe I was just in the Christmas spirit.

Bones sniffed out the barbecue in my pockets; I got it out of the lost and found a few minutes earlier. He offered to trade his “U R here” shirt for it, and I agreed.

I sold some fruit and shook some trees before wrapping up my night. I didn’t spot any valuable tree beetles tonight, but I did catch a couple of emperor butterflies and a bee.
For a second, I thought Brutus the Dog was out to get you. That would be interesting if he was real, but I think it’s just me that scares myself about myths.
I’d say maybe Wisp was thinking Christmas in July, but there’s still a week left of June.
I found the lamp on my sister’s account and she wanted me to sell it!! Now I wish I just gave it to my account….
Wait hold up, You can get villagers to stay???? How?? I tried for hours with Poncho and Rosie to stay but it never worked!!
If they don’t change their mind after you tell them to stay, just leave them alone for a bit and come back later. They may give you another chance to change their mind. But sometimes, it takes many attempts, and that can take a while.
One tip, though: If you have a delivery for that person, don’t hand it to them right away. Just choose the talk option, and that way, their conversation topic will reset each time…meaning you won’t have to leave them alone for a few minutes. You can keep talking to them repeatedly (by declining to give them the delivery) until they mention it again.
Edit: Just to be clear, you can’t change their minds once they’ve packed up their belongings in boxes. That can only be done in Wild World.
I lost my old City Folk copy back in late 2017. However, a new copy is being shipped as of this comment!
Do SD Cards save town data? I still have my old Wii’s SD Card and I hope I’m able to continue my (probably now overgrown) town.
No, town data is saved to the system itself. Do you still have your old Wii? The SD card will likely have any pictures you took in City Folk though, even though it won’t have your old town.
Nope. I don’t have my old system, but I do have a new Wii. It’s a shame, too. I put hundreds of hours into that town.
It feels quite fresh to start a new Animal Crossing town, though.
Also, I started a secondary Population Growing town on my extra GameCube memory card. One of the residents is Limberg, though. So, um..
Aww, sorry to hear that. But good luck with your new town. I hope you make lots of great memories there.
Haha, hopefully Limberg won’t stick around too long. Although his odor might linger even after he’s gone.