Yesterday, Roald told me he has always wanted to live in a huge house. In fact, he said his basement would go down 76 stories! At the bottom, he would build robots that can play racquetball! That’s one weirdly specific fantasy, dude.

Bones asked me to make a delivery to Static, and the gift was a paw shirt. Static said it was Bones’ style. I guess it is, since Bones is a dog!

In the Roost, I found Whitney enjoying some coffee. She told me that she also wanted something sweet, like apple pie. But she knew Brewster would give her a funny look if she asked him for some!

I played again tonight, and Static was up to his old tricks. He told Goldie that she had something on her face. Eventually, he admitted he was just talking about her nose.

Sterling asked me for a plesio skull, and I said I’d help him out even though I know most specific fossil requests are impossible. However, when Blathers identified today’s fossils, one of them was indeed a plesio skull! I took it over to Sterling, and he rewarded me with some charcoal tile.

Static wanted to move out of town, but I was able to change his mind. After a few attempts, that is.

I went on a short bug-hunting mission, and when I was done, my bank account balance reached 37 million bells.

I just realized that we both have Bones in our towns!! Now you don’t see that everyday!!