Gyroids on the Shelf

Sterling asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek tonight, and he gave me 15 minutes to find him, Bones, and…wait, who else?

Sterling: All right, everyone here? OK, here are the rules!

Just like the last time Sterling suggested the game, one of the players was hidden behind him, and I didn’t see who it was. And just like last time, Bones was the other visible player.

After about three minutes, I found Roald hiding behind a tree near Forest’s northwest bridge. Last time, Puck (another penguin) was the hidden player.

A couple minutes later, I found Bones behind a tree. And after a total of eight minutes had elapsed, I found Sterling near the beach, behind a palm tree.

Sterling peeks out from behind a palm tree during a game of hide-and-seek.

At the Roost, I caught K.K. Slider’s Saturday night performance of Comrade K.K. When the camera shifted over to Brewster, I spotted a couple of gyroids on his shelf.

Brewster's counter and shelves, with two gyroids on the shelves.

Here’s an animated GIF I decided to make of it. 😛

Animated GIF of the gyroids on Brewster's shelves. Waahh!

After checking in with my villagers, I did some bug-hunting and fishing. Once I earned about 100,000 bells, I called it a night.