Last night, Midge informed me that she was thinking about moving out of town. I did not try to stop her. I feel neutral towards Midge, and I’d rather lose a neutral villager than risk losing someone I really like. Besides, she’s had a full two years living in Forest. It’s time to move on.

Bones asked me for a leaf shirt, and I ordered one for him. It arrived today, and I took it to him. In return, he gave me a stone tile.

Whitney asked me for some lovely furniture, but the shops didn’t have any (and I didn’t place an order for one, because I wasn’t sure when I’d be playing again).

As I was bug-hunting, Bones told me he wanted a memento of our friendship. In particular, he wanted my cyclommatus! He wanted it for free, but there was an option to sell it to him, so I chose that. He gave me 7,215 bells for it. Good deal!

I earned about 100,000 bells on the night (and about 50,000 last night). There are still two more weeks to go in August, and I’m roughly on pace to meet my goal of having 38.1 million bells by September 1st.
Bones in my town: here’s 500 bells!!
Bones in your town: here’s 7,215 bells!!
Me: Screams at 5 A.M on first day of school
I think your little birdie flew to my City Folk town!