The third fireworks festival of the month was held tonight. Since I didn’t participate in the last two, I decided to play tonight. Tortimer was standing outside of town hall, encouraging villagers to kick back and watch some explosions.

He handed out some sparklers and roman candles. I did my annual tradition of lighting a fire under his… shell.

And of course, I spent a few moments looking up to enjoy the fireworks. I usually stand on a bridge somewhere, but this time, I stood on the cliff at the top of the waterfall.

Midge is now all packed up and ready to move out of town, so I said goodbye to her and her nest.

After that, I tried to do a little bug-catching. However, I wasn’t finding many good ones…and I was starting to get tired. So I called it a night before I earned many bells. I’ll have to make up for it next time.