31st and Goal

I received Midge’s goodbye letter in the mail today.

Dearest Jeff, It's time for me to leave Forest--and you, Jeff. It saddens me to leave behind a friend who means so much to me. Thanks for everything! -From Midge

Sterling was talking about potato salad for some reason, and he imagined having enough of it to build a baseball stadium out of it. And then he added “but steel,” which is his catchphrase. It sort of fit the situation, and yet it nullified his point about it being made out of potato salad.

Sterling: At least enough to build a respectable baseball stadium made out of it, but steel.

I hadn’t been doing any bug-catching over the past week and a half, so I was behind schedule in regards to meeting my goal. But I made up for it today. I particularly had a lot of success with rare bugs between 11 p.m. and midnight, and I was approaching my goal.

But once the clock struck 12, things slowed down quite a bit. Not only were some of the August bugs suddenly out of season, but new September bugs were plentiful…including crickets.

I caught a cricket! That's the ticket!

I still caught a shark, and Goldie almost immediately offered to buy it from me for 18,849 bells. I was surprised I was able to move the shark so quickly. 😉

Goldie: Thank you very much! Well, I guess I should give you this then... 18,849 bells, on the nose!
High priced shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.

I was still a bit short of my goal, so I went around collecting foreign fruit. Fortunately, I have a lot of foreign fruit trees from the early days of Forest. And by 12:20 a.m., my bank account balance reached 38 million bells.

Your current balance is 38,000,000 bells.

In total, I earned about 400,000 bells today in about 2 hours and 20 minutes of play time. That’s much longer than my usual sessions, but I was determined to meet my goal.

And you may remember that my goal was technically to have 38.1 million bells by September 1st. But I have that covered. My bank account balance will earn me 99,999 bells in interest overnight, so I still met my goal.