Gyroids on the Shelf

Sterling asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek tonight, and he gave me 15 minutes to find him, Bones, and…wait, who else?

Sterling: All right, everyone here? OK, here are the rules!

Just like the last time Sterling suggested the game, one of the players was hidden behind him, and I didn’t see who it was. And just like last time, Bones was the other visible player.

After about three minutes, I found Roald hiding behind a tree near Forest’s northwest bridge. Last time, Puck (another penguin) was the hidden player.

A couple minutes later, I found Bones behind a tree. And after a total of eight minutes had elapsed, I found Sterling near the beach, behind a palm tree.

Sterling peeks out from behind a palm tree during a game of hide-and-seek.

At the Roost, I caught K.K. Slider’s Saturday night performance of Comrade K.K. When the camera shifted over to Brewster, I spotted a couple of gyroids on his shelf.

Brewster's counter and shelves, with two gyroids on the shelves.

Here’s an animated GIF I decided to make of it. 😛

Animated GIF of the gyroids on Brewster's shelves. Waahh!

After checking in with my villagers, I did some bug-hunting and fishing. Once I earned about 100,000 bells, I called it a night.

Recycled Fossil

Last night, I spotted this green balloon present while walking near the river. I shot it down and found a cube clock inside.

A green balloon present flies over Jeff.

Bones was sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine last night, and then again tonight.

Bones the dog takes his medicine in Animal Crossing: City Folk for Nintendo Wii.

Whitney told me she was thinking of moving out of town, but I was able to talk her out of it…after four attempts.

Whitney: But now you've made me realize that I have friends in Forest I can't leave quite yet!

Saturday is K.K. Slider night, so I checked out his performance. He played the song Neapolitan for me.

K.K.: Hey, Jeff. You here for a song?

I made a nice fossil discovery in an unexpected place: the recycle bin! Someone left a dimetrodon skull in there! I grabbed it, and sold it for 5,500 bells!

A dimetrodon skull fossil in the recycle bin.

What makes it even more interesting is that the recycle bin was empty just half an hour earlier! It pays to check the bin each time you go inside town hall! Of course, valuable finds like this are pretty rare, but it sure is a nice surprise when they do pop up!

While bug-hunting, I found three scarab beetles last night, and three more tonight! I love this time of year in City Folk. 🙂

Yesterday, I posted the latest episode of Mario Plays ACCF. This time, Mario celebrates his birthday with some good news, and he fully pays off his house too. I hope you enjoy the video!

And if you haven’t seen this other video I posted last week, check out 7 More Things I’d Like to See in New Horizons. I can’t wait for that game to come out. 🙂