Loveless Limberg

I received Whitney’s goodbye letter in the mail today. She used some seasonally-appropriate stationery to send the letter.

To Jeff, I've decided to move away from Forest. It's hard to say bye to good friends like you. So I won't. Because I'm SURE we'll meet again somewhere! -From: Whitney

I listened in on a conversation between Goldie and Limberg near town hall. Goldie asked Limberg what he wanted for his next birthday, and he said he wanted true love!

Limberg: Man, you're makin' me think... I hate thinking... I dunno, maybe...true love...or some junk?
He wants you, Goldie.

Goldie felt bad that Limberg was so lonely, and they both left the conversation depressed.

Limberg and Goldie walk around depressed after a sad conversation in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) for Nintendo Wii.

I guess the moral of the story is not to ask people what they want for their birthday. 😀

Meanwhile, Static was hiding inside behind a phone box asking me for a kimono. Not exactly the most normal conversation, but hey, it’s Static. I told him I’d keep an eye out for a kimono (but I didn’t find one tonight).

Static: Sooo, old dog... If you happen to see a kimono, would you get it for me?

Over by Able Sisters, Puck wanted my oak silk moth to remind him of me. I agreed to give it to him, but he ended up giving me 1,663 bells for it. Not bad!

Puck: Hey, could I have your oak silk moth to remind me of you?

I’ve also been playing in my other town of Mushroom lately, and I just put up a new video tonight. In episode 26 of Mario Plays ACCF, Mario donates to the town fund to build a new bridge. He also says goodbye to one of his good buddies that’s been in Mushroom since the beginning. And there’s this…

I’m Not Kicks!

I got some sad news tonight. Whitney the white wolf is weaving. I mean, leaving. She had her furniture all packed up in boxes. It’s sad to see her go, but maybe I’ll still hear her howling in the night when there’s a full moon.

Whitney: I never found a good time to share my big news, so I kept it to myself...

When I walked into Kitty’s house, I found her staring at a large fish. (I think it’s a king salmon). I’m pretty sure she was fantasizing about eating it.

Kitty stares at a king salmon in her house in ACCF.

I spotted Butch in the city, and he said he really needed a shoe shine. But it was too late for Kicks, so he wanted me to do it!

Butch: I still need my shoes shined, though... Jeff! Listen carefully: do you own any shoe polish?

Even though it was dry in the city, it was raining in Forest. Poor Static looked so sad about the rain. I almost felt bad for the little grump. 😛

Static: Confound it! After a long day, all I want is some sunshine. Is that so much to ask, buzz me?!
The sun wouldn’t be shining at this time of night anyway, pal.

But I took advantage of the rain to do a little fishing, and I caught myself a coelacanth in the ocean!

Jeff shows off a coelacanth (living fossil) in Animal Crossing: City Folk for Nintendo Wii.


Whitney asked me for some “dresserish” furniture tonight. Is that even a word? I don’t think so…but at least I knew what she meant.

Whitney: As long as it's something dresserish, I bet it'll satisfy me, snappy!

Nook ‘n’ Go didn’t have any dressers for sale, but I decided to be nice and give Whitney the mummy’s casket out of my house. She liked it, and she thanked me by giving me a manhole cover.

Whitney: I'd like you to have a manhole cover as a token of my thanks, snappy.
Uh, thanks? I guess I’ll use it to cover my manhole.

I spotted Pascal standing on the southern bridge in town…

Pascal stands on a bridge in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) for Nintendo Wii.

I gave him a scallop, and in return, he gave me a ship deck (carpeting). He also warned me about squid cookies. Don’t worry, there’s no risk of me ever trying one of those.

Pascal: You ever baked a squid cookie? Not good, maaan. Trust me.

I spotted a scorpion, so I stepped back, got my net out and approached it. But as I did, I noticed there were actually two scorpions out at the same time!

Two scorpions at once in ACCF.

I swung at the closest one, but I missed…and it got me. I was disappointed. If I was going to die anyway, I should have just ran through and let them both chase me just to see which one would win. 😀

Kitty asked me to make a delivery to Roald. So I took the package over, and Roald was quite surprised to find a graduation gown inside.

Roald: I don't even believe this! A graduation gown! Awwww, man...

Roald’s shock turned to sadness, and he said Kitty was capable of some hardcore, ruthless jokes. I’m guessing this means Roald never graduated, and Kitty seems to be rubbing it in.

Roald: Kitty doesn't look like it, but she's capable of some hardcore, ruthless jokes.

Aww, that made me feel bad for Roald. Even though I didn’t like Roald in Wild World, I’m starting to like City Folk Roald.

When I returned to Kitty, she gave me a ranch wardrobe for making the delivery. I could have used this earlier, so that I wouldn’t have had to give my mummy’s casket to Whitney. Oh well.