No Bagworm? That Stings.

On Wednesday, Kitty asked me for a new catchphrase. I’m not a big fan of Kitty, and I’m tired of her never leaving town. So I made her say “I’m awful.”

Kitty: So...I'm awful.

Mitzi was still sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her again. Today, she sent me a letter saying she’s over her cold. She sent me a regal sofa to thank me.

Static told me that he imports all of his spaghetti. In fact, he bought four barrels of it!

Static: You may think I'm crazy, but four barrels of it was the smartest buy I ever made! I'm set for life!

I took the bus out to the city, and I chatted with Maelle the duck there. She was talking about the advantages of a shopping card, and she said she doesn’t like carrying lots of bells around because it makes her feel common!

Maelle: I don't like to carry lots of bells around. It makes me feel common!

Back in town, Goldie asked me to catch a bagworm for her. So I went around shaking trees, and I searched for a good 20 minutes! But as you might expect, I was finding lots of bees, and no bagworms. I even got stung four times! Static enjoyed laughing at my face.

Static: You trying to give the bees some exercise? Oh, that's rich! My gut hurts from laughing.

I had nothing to give Goldie. I hope she knows that I tried.

One thought on “No Bagworm? That Stings.”

  1. how funny is it to kill yourself with the net glitch that got patched in acnl (it’s fainting but saying kill is funnier)

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